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Halloween badge- Spooky Story (And ticking off 'clause from 2022' and 'research halloween origins')

Graveyard Imprints

    Martha screamed with such piercing levels as a dark shadowed figure jumped from behind a tree, wedged close to the wall of some stairs leading to the church. The figure started cackling, laughing and then coughing trying to catch their breath from what they thought was a funny prank. 

    "You are such an idiot Jack." Martha hit Jack's shoulder which just made Jack start laughing again. "Will you shut up laughing. You're being too loud." Martha looks around nervously. 

    "Too loud?" Jack whispers and also looks around, but he is only doing this sarcastically. Martha glares at him. "Yes, too loud. You know what today is. We don't know what's out here." Martha sits on the stairs leading up to the church. "I do know what today is, but you can't seriously believe there is any truth in it all? It's all stories. There's no werewolves and vampires and ghosts, Martha." 

    Martha get out a torch from her bag and a notebook. The notebook is full, pages are ripped and stained and have things stuck down on them. A loud bang of rubble can be heard exploding nearby. Both Martha and Jack look around, equally frightened this time. "What was that?" Jack asked. Martha just stares at him wide-eyed. "It wasn't me, I promise. But I'm sure it's nothing. It's nothing, right?" Martha nods, trying to reassure herself as well as Jack. 

    In the notebook is research about the church, the graveyard and monsters. Martha flicks through the pages coming to a diagram of the church blueprint. "We need to get into the church because just here," Martha points to the diagram and a small area at the back of the church "because this is where it should be."

    "It?" Jack questioned as he studied the diagram. 

    "Yes, it is said there is a creature that has nested there for hundreds of years. A creature from another world." 

    "An alien?" 

    "No, Jack. Not an alien. Another world, like a realm. And that this creature protects the entrance which only Come on. Time's running out. Let's go." Martha shoves the notebook under her arm and swings her bag over her shoulder as she stands up. She starts to climb the stairs and looks back to see Jack look at something on the ground. "Come on!" Martha says with a whisper-shout. Jack doesn't move so Martha heads back down the stairs to see what he has found. He points.

    "What. What is that? Martha?" 

    Martha bends down and opens her notebook. She finds a page with a picture of markings exactly as they have just discovered. "It's the creature. It's here!" Martha says this quite calmly. She looks straight ahead and then she sees it. It's watching them from the other side of the graveyard. Martha stands up, reaches for Jack's hand and pulls him to follow her up the stairs and into the church which was unlocked. She closes the door behind her and switches the torch on. It flickers on and off, until eventually it stays off. She rummages in her bag for another light source when Jack switches on the torch on his phone. "Thanks." Martha says. 

    Looking up, Martha doesn't see Jack anymore. The light wasn't from his phone, but from his eyes. His whole skin has turned translucent and his eyes a cloudy white. He slowly tilts his head and screams before charging towards her. Martha has nowhere to go. She cannot run. 

  1. Make apple or vegetable crisps
  2. Learn about the teal pumpkin project ✓
  3. Make an autumn-themed wreath  ✓
  4. See how many visibly different coloured leaves you can find ✓
  5. Write a spooky story ✓
  6. Do a clause from last years list which you haven't done yet ✓
  7. Research the origins of Halloween (2022) ✓
  8. Watch a scary or spooky movie and review it (2022) 



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