Enigma:- the code was changed daily and was cracked using a machine.
ADFGVX:- These cipher text sound different from each other when used in morse code. This is to reduce user error. This method uses a 6 x 6 polybius square.
Playfair:- The alphabet is written in a diagram- but excluding J as the diagram is a 5x5 square. J is replaced by I. The text is split into pairs- if it's odd numbered then a z is added to the end.
Book Cipher:- I like the book cipher. You both need the same book and would send numbers for the pages, line in the book etc. to form the message.
Vigenere Cipher:- Uses a series of a different Caesar Ciphers.
Caesar Cipher:- Letters are shifted a certain number of spaces.... so a becomes d.
Homophonic Cipher:- The plaintext is replaced multiple different cipher text letters.
During World War 2, the Enigma machine was cracked by a group of code-breakers led by Alan Turing at Bletchley Park.
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